should be at bushy park quilled up in the margins but got sidetracked
by the purchase of a david carl forbes book at the market yesterday
and ended up in the golden heart and then the cafe de paris at a
1940's burlesque night for my good friend dominique presley's 45th.
full of junior dick walkers waxing their moustaches and comparing
notes on anson shelter installation. more strippers than a hitchin
specimen hunters christmas party. it's all carl-forbes fault,
someone wanted to know why he was so important and i said he was the
marc bolan of angling. that started a discussion that began in the
east end and ended up west. it was the car crash that did it and the
reverence in which he's held. the golden age of roach fishing - mid
70's. hope the pits have been kind. got thames professionals piece
to write. their ghosts spread over the south by the floods.
u-boat on the bird table