This is a stretch of the River Trent that I used to fish as a kid. Just below the weir at Beeston.Not the greatest shot but you can see how wild it is. "That's where they are" he told me. I fished there yesterday. With my Brother in law, Mike, first time in thirty odd years, and I caught my very first Barbel. 11lbs. on the nose. Lost two before that and I thought I'd killed the swim but ten minutes after losing the second, wallop!, I was in. Unbelievable. When I eventually got it to the surface, and we first saw it, man, it was a moment. The best feeling I've ever had bankside. It was huge and powerful and strong You're gonna have to believe me, 'cos..
Unfortunately, the photos aren't up to posting. Neither me or the fish are looking our best.
Got to thank Mike for giving me his swim and putting me on the fish and also being the best company all weekend. But he ain't getting hold of the camera again.
I've been buzzing all day. No work tomorrow and going to a favourite lake early in the morning (see In The Presence Of Leney Carp below) with Steve & Jakub and I know we are gonna catch. Loads. Honest. We are. I just know it.